Thoughts about songs with #SelfPreservation

Crawl cover Crawl by Breaking Benjamin

This intense track delves into the struggle of maintaining one's identity amidst external pressures and deceit. The lyrics paint a picture of a person fighting back against manipulation and falsehoods represented by another's "faceless lies" and "black dead eyes." The repeated calls to "live," "fight," and "crawl back inside" suggest a continuous battle to preserve self-integrity and not succumb to despair or lose oneself in the process. It's about standing firm even when hope seems lost, highlighting resilience in the face of emotional turmoil. #BreakingBenjamin #SelfPreservation #EmotionalStruggle

Veto cover Veto by SOHN

Exploring the depths of emotional entanglements, this track delves into the struggle of feeling misunderstood and the desire to escape manipulative situations. 🎭 The lyrics express a firm stance against being drawn into games that cloud one's judgment or well-being, emphasizing a break from toxicity for self-preservation. The recurring theme of "small set of emotions" suggests a limitation in emotional expression within the relationship, leading to frustration and stunted growth. Ultimately, it's about setting boundaries and finding liberation from cycles that no longer serve us. ✨ #EmotionalBoundaries #SelfPreservation #ToxicRelationships #Liberation

There's A Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls) cover There's A Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls) by Blossoms

Ah, the classic tale of love lost and the self-preservation that follows. Our protagonist is clearly haunted by a former flame - their presence, even in passing, turns him to stone. The heart wants what it wants but the brain knows better, hence the unanswered calls. He's not ghosting out of spite; he's protecting himself from falling back into a relationship that might have caused him pain. The radio playing their favourite tune adds a nostalgic punch to an already bruised heart. So next time you're left on read, remember this song and consider: maybe they're just trying to keep their heart intact. 💔 #UnansweredCalls #LoveLost #SelfPreservation

Leaving the Table cover Leaving the Table by Leonard Cohen

This poignant composition reflects the sentiments of a person who has decided to withdraw from a relationship or a situation that no longer serves them. The lyrics convey the acceptance of an ending, signifying the conclusion of love and involvement in someone's life. The refrain "I'm leaving the table, I'm out of the game" symbolizes stepping away from emotional entanglements and moving on. Cohen uses metaphors like "cutting the cord" and "blow out the flame" to emphasize this detachment process. The song encapsulates feelings of regret, resignation, but also liberation, suggesting that sometimes withdrawal is necessary for self-preservation and healing. #MovingOn #Endings #SelfPreservation

Hundred cover Hundred by Khalid

Navigating through life's challenges and maintaining resilience is the central theme of this powerful track. The lyrics reflect the singer's struggle with external pressures and expectations, as well as his own internal demons. Despite facing negativity and adversity, he remains steadfast in his resolve to keep moving forward, symbolized by his constant reference to a "hundred things" he needs to do each day. The song also highlights the importance of self-preservation and setting boundaries in relationships that are draining rather than supportive. It serves as an anthem for those who are battling their own hardships, encouraging them not to lose control but to persevere and stay alive amidst life's trials. #Resilience #SelfPreservation

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That's all we got for #EmotionalStruggle