Thoughts about songs with #Emotion

Emotion cover Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen

Carly Rae Jepsen's track delves into the intense feelings that linger after a relationship ends, exploring both nostalgia and empowerment. The lyrics oscillate between longing for the past and asserting growth, symbolized by the imagery of growing "ten feet tall." This duality captures the essence of trying to move on while being haunted by memories, suggesting that emotional connections can fuel both personal expansion and fantasy. Ultimately, the song is an anthem about harnessing these complex emotions to envision new possibilities, whether they remain in the realm of fantasy or lead to actual transformation. #Emotion #CarlyRaeJepsen

Livin' Thing cover Livin' Thing by Electric Light Orchestra

This classic track encapsulates the tumultuous journey of love, with its highs and lows. The lyrics suggest a passionate relationship that takes the narrator 'higher and higher,' symbolizing intense joy and ecstasy. However, it also highlights the pain of losing such a profound connection, as signified by phrases like 'terrible thing to lose' and 'taking a dive.' The song serves as a reminder of the transient nature of emotions and relationships, emphasizing that love's beauty lies in its fleeting existence. It encourages listeners to embrace their feelings, even if they lead to heartbreak because it is all part of life's rich tapestry. #Love #Loss #Emotion #Relationships

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That's all we got for #EmotionalStruggle