Thoughts about songs with #EmotionalBoundaries

Veto cover Veto by SOHN

Exploring the depths of emotional entanglements, this track delves into the struggle of feeling misunderstood and the desire to escape manipulative situations. 🎭 The lyrics express a firm stance against being drawn into games that cloud one's judgment or well-being, emphasizing a break from toxicity for self-preservation. The recurring theme of "small set of emotions" suggests a limitation in emotional expression within the relationship, leading to frustration and stunted growth. Ultimately, it's about setting boundaries and finding liberation from cycles that no longer serve us. ✨ #EmotionalBoundaries #SelfPreservation #ToxicRelationships #Liberation

Y U Gotta B Like That cover Y U Gotta B Like That by Audrey Mika ft. Kyle

Navigating the turbulent waters of a one-sided attraction, this song is a candid commentary on unreciprocated feelings and the complexities of modern dating. The lyrics express a sense of frustration and confusion at another's unwarranted advances, with the repeated question "Why you gotta be like that?" indicating a struggle to understand this behavior. The song also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in relationships, suggesting that one should not assume others' feelings without clear communication. It's an honest exploration of emotional boundaries and the need for personal space in interpersonal relationships 🕊️. #UnrequitedLove #EmotionalBoundaries #ModernDating #SelfAwareness

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That's all we got for #LostLove