Thoughts about songs with #FolkMusic

Lonesome Friends of Science cover Lonesome Friends of Science by John Prine

In this whimsical tune, John Prine explores themes of isolation and disconnection in a modern world obsessed with scientific progress and existential threats. Through the lens of "lonesome friends of science," he portrays individuals who are detached from reality, focusing instead on apocalyptic predictions. Prine contrasts this with his personal retreat into a simpler, more grounded existence in Tennessee, surrounded by his family and nature. His humorous references to demoted planet Pluto and mythological figures underscore a critique of society's priorities—favoring cosmic concerns over human connection. Ultimately, the song is an ode to finding solace in one's own inner world amidst external chaos 🌌. #JohnPrine #FolkMusic

Where Rainbows Never Die cover Where Rainbows Never Die by The SteelDrivers

In this poignant ballad, The SteelDrivers explore the themes of aging, legacy, and the yearning for transcendence beyond life's hardships. The narrator, reflecting on his life as an old man overlooked by youth, expresses a desire to leave behind worldly struggles and achieve peace. The imagery of crossing fields of cotton and wading through muddy waters symbolizes the journey through life's challenges towards a purer existence. The repeated chorus underscores a longing to reach an idyllic afterlife where "rainbows never die," suggesting a timeless place free from pain and decay. This song resonates as a soulful meditation on mortality and the hope for eternal rest. #TheSteelDrivers #WhereRainbowsNeverDie #FolkMusic

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