Thoughts about songs with #PopSmoke

Got It On Me cover Got It On Me by Pop Smoke

In this powerful track, Pop Smoke channels his inner resilience and readiness to face adversaries. The lyrics draw from the theme of self-protection and caution in a world where trust is scarce and threats loom large. By invoking the phrase “I got it on me,” he emphasizes his constant state of preparedness against any harm that might come his way. This song also reflects on the harsh realities of street life, echoing a plea for mercy amidst the struggles, while asserting strength and defiance against those wishing him ill. #PopSmoke #StreetSurvival #SelfProtection

Invincible cover Invincible by Pop Smoke

In a world where invincibility is a superpower, Pop Smoke flexes his lyrical prowess to claim this title. He's not just talking about physical strength; he's boasting about his influence in the music scene, his financial power, and his sexual prowess. The repeated references to "percolated" could be a nod to the energizing effect of both his music and his lifestyle. With mentions of big names like Diddy and Robert Horry, Pop Smoke isn't shy about comparing himself to the greats. But it's not all bravado - there's a hint of aggression towards those who oppose him, showing that even superheroes have their battles. #Invincible #PopSmoke #PercolatedPower #SuperheroStatus

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