Thoughts about songs with #ComingOfAge

Orlando cover Orlando by Blood Orange

Delving into the depths of youthful experiences and self-discovery, this song uses powerful imagery to evoke feelings of nostalgia and introspection. The repetitive mention of "First kiss was the floor" could symbolize a first encounter with disappointment or harsh reality during adolescence. The line about changing one's state despite societal expectations suggests personal growth and resilience. Interestingly, the artist embraces the criticism of 'doing too much' as an affirmation of their commitment to pushing boundaries and living authentically. This song is a beautiful exploration of life's ups and downs, encouraging listeners to rise above challenges and remain true to themselves. #ComingOfAge #Resilience #Authenticity

Seventeen cover Seventeen by Peach Pit

Navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence, this poignant melody echoes with a sense of melancholy and confusion. The lyrics encapsulate the angst and uncertainty that comes with being seventeen, hinting at the pressures of growing up too fast and making sense of complex emotions. The dark cloud 'hanging over' the protagonist's head could symbolize looming adulthood or unresolved emotional turmoil. The song is a beautiful yet heartbreaking narrative about first love, youthful recklessness, and the inevitable disillusionment that comes with maturity. It's a haunting reminder that even in our most vibrant years, shadows can linger close by. #YouthfulAngst #ComingOfAge #FirstLove #EmotionalTurmoil

Salad Days cover Salad Days by Mac DeMarco

This track explores the theme of growing older and the melancholy that comes with it. The artist expresses his struggles with aging, longing for his carefree youth or "salad days." He misses friends from the past, particularly someone named Hippie Jon. The protagonist is also grappling with the societal expectations that come with age, feeling like he's just going through the motions of life ("smiling when required"). However, there's also a note of encouragement to embrace one's age and look forward to another year rather than acting as if life has ended. Overall, it's a poignant reflection on aging, nostalgia, and acceptance. #Nostalgia #ComingOfAge

Suds in the Bucket cover Suds in the Bucket by Sara Evans

This song tells a timeless story of young love and the inevitable passage of time. The lyrics depict a young woman who, much to her parents' surprise, leaves home abruptly for love. Despite their shock and heartbreak, the song suggests that you can't stop love or control time - it's part of life's natural progression. The phrase "suds in the bucket" symbolizes the mundane tasks she left behind for an exciting new chapter. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, we need to break free from routine and chase our happiness, even if it means leaving our comfort zone. #YoungLove #ComingOfAge

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