Thoughts about songs with #YouthfulAngst

No Waves cover No Waves by FIDLAR

Ah, the anthem of the perpetually dissatisfied! "No Waves" by FIDLAR dives headfirst into the murky waters of dissatisfaction and addiction. It's a raw, unfiltered glimpse into feeling stuck in life’s doldrums, where even vices lose their charm. The protagonist battles with boredom and a yearning for escape—whether through substances or a dream surf at sunset. It's less about the literal waves and more about riding out the emotional tsunamis of youth, longing for change but feeling too drained to paddle out. Surf's down, spirits too, what’s a rebel to do? #StuckInARut #YouthfulAngst #SurfTheChaos

Mayonaise cover Mayonaise by The Smashing Pumpkins

Ah, to dive into the creamy depths of existential angst with a side of dreamy disillusionment! 🥄 "Mayonaise" whisks us through the bittersweet blend of youth's promises and adulthood's disappointments. It's like being cool enough to sit at the grown-ups' table but still fooling around with a child’s heart. The lyrics oscillate between a desire for understanding and an acceptance of perpetual confusion—basically, your typical Tuesday in the life of an overthinker. Whether it’s grappling with personal identity or screaming at harlots (metaphorically, we hope), this tune is a dollop of introspective chaos served on a silver platter. So next time you feel out of season, remember: when you can, you will... eventually get it. Maybe. 🎸 #ExistentialJam #DreamVsReality #YouthfulAngst

Seventeen cover Seventeen by Peach Pit

Navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence, this poignant melody echoes with a sense of melancholy and confusion. The lyrics encapsulate the angst and uncertainty that comes with being seventeen, hinting at the pressures of growing up too fast and making sense of complex emotions. The dark cloud 'hanging over' the protagonist's head could symbolize looming adulthood or unresolved emotional turmoil. The song is a beautiful yet heartbreaking narrative about first love, youthful recklessness, and the inevitable disillusionment that comes with maturity. It's a haunting reminder that even in our most vibrant years, shadows can linger close by. #YouthfulAngst #ComingOfAge #FirstLove #EmotionalTurmoil

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That's all we got for #EmotionalStruggle