Thoughts about songs with #Yearning

Come Monday cover Come Monday by Jimmy Buffett

This heartfelt tune tells the story of a man who's on the road, away from his beloved. He's in the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, caught up in its haze, longing for his partner. The Labor Day weekend show and the glitter rock and roll represent his professional commitments that keep him busy. Despite his love for her, he lets her go on a vacation - showing respect for her individual space and needs. However, he eagerly awaits Monday when he can hold her again. It’s a beautiful portrayal of love in a long-distance relationship where two people yearn to be together despite their separate paths. #LongDistanceLove #Yearning #JimmyBuffett

Dreams Tonite cover Dreams Tonite by Alvvays

This lyrical composition resonates with the poignant themes of longing, unrequited love and the ephemeral nature of relationships. The recurrent question, "If I saw you on the street, would I have you in my dreams tonight?" epitomizes the protagonist's yearning for an elusive connection that exists primarily in her dreams. The references to a 'merry-go-round' and 'a wall just to let it fall down', metaphorically illustrate the cyclical and transient aspects of human interactions. Additionally, the imagery of a wilting flower under fluorescent light symbolizes a relationship losing its vitality due to artificiality or lack of genuine warmth. Ultimately, this song encapsulates the emotional turmoil experienced when reality fails to align with our deepest desires. #UnrequitedLove #EphemeralRelationships #Yearning

Summertime cover Summertime by The Head and the Heart

In this harmonic melody, we encounter a poignant tale of longing and healing. The singer is drawn to their beloved like a moth to the flame of summer, promising to make them theirs. The 'hollow wound' suggests a deep-seated pain that they hope can be healed through love and companionship. The references to nature - the wishing well, trees, garden, field, and canary bird - evoke a sense of tranquility and timelessness. These elements are symbolic of growth, renewal, and freedom; perhaps implying that love can bring about these changes in one's life. The recurring image of the 'wishin' well' hints at both hope for the future and regret over past actions. Ultimately, it's a song about yearning for love that heals and transforms 🌻 #Love #Healing #Nature #Yearning

Fever cover Fever by Balthazar

This track takes us on a journey of intense emotion and longing. The 'fever' symbolizes an overwhelming desire or passion that the singer experiences whenever he thinks about a certain individual. Despite their wealth, which initially attracted him, he realizes his feelings run deeper as they've touched his heart. The repetitive line "I get the fever every time you cross my mind" emphasizes his constant yearning and how this person persistently occupies his thoughts. The song also touches upon the ease with which some people can stir emotions in others, and how effortlessly they seem to navigate through life. #Passion #Yearning #WealthAndEmotion

Safari Song cover Safari Song by Greta Van Fleet

This track is a heartfelt plea from a man to the woman he loves, urging her to reciprocate his feelings. 🥺 He's completely smitten and can't understand why she isn't returning his affection, especially when he's given her everything. The lyrics express a deep yearning for her love and attention, with the singer constantly asking what she plans to do with all the love in her heart if not share it with him. This song beautifully captures the desperation of unrequited love and the pain of rejection. 💔 It's a timeless theme that many can relate to, making this track an emotional roller-coaster ride. #UnrequitedLove #Heartbreak #Yearning #Rejection

If I Can't Have You cover If I Can't Have You by Shawn Mendes

This song paints a vivid picture of longing and unrequited love. The lyrics convey the artist's deep emotional struggle, as he grapples with feelings for someone who may not reciprocate them. Despite trying to distract himself and maintain distance, he finds that every aspect of his life is consumed by thoughts of this person. He expresses a sense of despair, emphasizing that his life feels meaningless without this person's presence or affection. The repeated line "Everything means nothing if I can't have you" underscores the depth of his yearning and the extent to which his happiness is tied to this individual. This song resonates with anyone who has experienced intense romantic longing or heartbreak. #UnrequitedLove #Yearning #Heartbreak

Are U There? cover Are U There? by Mura Masa

In the midst of uncertainty and longing, this track conveys a profound yearning for reassurance. The repetitive lyrics suggest a desperate need for confirmation of someone's presence - be it physically or emotionally. It could be interpreted as a plea from someone in a relationship seeking affirmation that their partner is fully present and committed. Alternatively, it might represent an individual's internal struggle, asking themselves if they're truly present in their own life. In both cases, the song encapsulates the human desire to feel connected and not alone in our experiences. #Yearning #Connection #Presence


Delving into the labyrinth of longing and unfulfilled desire, this track is a poignant exploration of fleeting romance. The protagonist grapples with a one-night stand that left an indelible mark on his heart. He yearns for a repeat performance, but pride stands in their way, turning their potential love story into a competition of egos. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of lust intertwined with regret and the lingering taste of what could have been. A sultry confession echoing through the chambers of loneliness, this song is as much about yearning as it is about self-reflection and acceptance of transient connections. #Yearning #UnfulfilledDesire #Transience

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That's all we got for #SelfReflection