Thoughts about songs with #ExistentialRock

The Last Remaining Light cover The Last Remaining Light by Audioslave

Ah, the thrill of existential dread wrapped in a rock ballad! "The Last Remaining Light" is Audioslave's poetic musing on resilience amidst despair. Imagine rolling on icy fields and breaking bones as a hobby – talk about a tough love approach to self-healing! The song dives deep, literally into veins and metaphorically into the soul, exploring the dark recesses where one waits and watches for some sign of hope (or at least a bit of daylight). It’s an anthem for the stubborn optimists who stand defiantly as they greet the night, refusing to believe that the sun won’t rise again. So, light up your existential candles, folks; this track reminds us that even in the darkest times, there’s always a sliver of light worth standing alone for. #Resilience #ExistentialRock #LastLight

Decks Dark cover Decks Dark by Radiohead

When the extraterrestrial metaphor meets existential dread, you know you're in Radiohead territory. "Decks Dark" is a cosmic ride through the human psyche's shadowy corridors. The spacecraft symbolises an overpowering force - perhaps depression, anxiety or any life-altering event that blocks out happiness (the sky). Despite attempts to escape (running back and covering ears), it's unignorable - the loudest sound ever heard. Yet, amidst this darkness, there's a hint of self-deprecating humor ("just a laugh") and acceptance ("it's whatever you say it is"). It ends with a plea for release from emotional burdens ("when you've had enough of me"). So buckle up, folks! This tune is your spaceship to introspection. #ExistentialRock #RadioheadRealityCheck #SpacecraftOfTheMind

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That's all we got for #LostLove