Thoughts about songs with #Hustle

Watering My Plants cover Watering My Plants by Larry June

Immerse yourself in a world where luxury meets simplicity and ambition intertwines with serenity. Larry June's lyrics paint a vivid picture of his life, balancing the hustle to achieve financial success with the need for personal peace and tranquility. He talks about making smart investments, enjoying the fine things in life, but also cherishing simple pleasures like watering plants. The song subtly hints at a relationship that didn't align with his path, prompting him to let go, yet maintaining love and respect. "Watering My Plants" is an anthem for those striving for success without losing sight of their inner peace and personal growth. #Growth #Hustle #InnerPeace #LuxuryLife

Go Get It cover Go Get It by T.I.

In this energetic track, the artist offers an insight into his relentless pursuit of success and wealth. T.I. emphasizes his unwavering dedication to his hustle, expressing a 'grind' that won't stop and a 'hustle' that won't quit. He portrays a lavish lifestyle characterized by luxury brands, expensive habits, and high-end experiences. The song is also about independence and self-confidence; he asserts that if he wants something, he has the means to get it himself. While presenting a glamorous image of success, T.I. also acknowledges the hard work and determination required to achieve such heights. Overall, it's an anthem for perseverance, ambition, and personal triumph. #Hustle #Ambition #Success #Perseverance

banana cover banana by bbno$, Lentra

This track is a defiant anthem of self-reliance and ambition. The artist dismisses the conventional measures of success such as flashy cars and jewelry (the "blizzard on my wrist" and "Bentley as the whip"). Instead, he focuses on his own hustle - creating music ("six tracks, six hits") and prioritizing his career over romantic entanglements. He also criticizes those who chase after fame or material wealth without substance ("clout chaser delight"). The repeated "nah nah" can be seen as a rejection of societal expectations. Overall, it's an introspective piece about carving out one's own path in life. #Individuality #SelfReliance #Hustle

Thump Shit cover Thump Shit by 42 Dugg, EST Gee

This track is a hard-hitting anthem that showcases the gritty street life 42 Dugg and EST Gee have experienced. The lyrics are filled with references to their past, including drug dealing, violence, and the hustle to make it big. They speak about their struggles with law enforcement and the system, but also their resilience and determination to succeed despite these challenges. The song serves as a testament to their toughness and ability to survive in a harsh environment, while also asserting their dominance in the rap game. #StreetLife #Resilience #Hustle

Money cover Money by Leikeli47

This track is a powerful anthem about the struggle, hustle, and ultimate success. The artist emphasizes her hard work and determination that have led to her financial success - she had to "grind and hustle" just like Kobe Bryant to shine like Russell Westbrook. She highlights how people perceive her success as overnight, but in reality, it's the result of years of hard work. The repeated phrase "I got money" serves as a triumphant declaration of her achievements despite all odds. She also subtly hints at maintaining authenticity and not falling for trends, instead creating her own path. #Hustle #HardWork #Success #Authenticity

Resume cover Resume by Lil Tjay

In this track, Lil Tjay navigates the world of fame and fortune with an unapologetic attitude. The lyrics suggest a narrative where he indulges in material wealth, romantic escapades, and the pursuit of success. The recurring phrase "Put TYB on my resume" is a metaphor for his accomplishments and experiences that have shaped him as an artist. Despite his rapid rise to stardom, the song also reflects on his humble beginnings and the challenges he faced growing up. The lyrics weave a tale of resilience, ambition, and determination to succeed against all odds while maintaining authenticity. #Hustle #Resilience #RiseToStardom #Authenticity

Shotta Flow cover Shotta Flow by NLE Choppa

Diving into the world of NLE Choppa, "Shotta Flow" is a powerful expression of his life experiences and aspirations. The song talks about his journey in the tough streets, where he had to prove himself constantly. He uses metaphors to describe his readiness to face any challenges and protect his reputation. NLE also speaks about the materialistic aspects of his lifestyle, referencing money, drugs, and guns as symbols of status and power. However, there's an undercurrent of struggle indicated by lines like "Percs killin' me slowly," showing that this lifestyle isn't without its dark side. Despite it all, NLE Choppa remains unapologetic about who he is and where he comes from. #StreetLife #Hustle #Power #Struggle

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