Thoughts about songs with #MentalHealth

Deep End cover Deep End by Ruelle

In this evocative track, Ruelle explores the overwhelming sensation of being consumed by one's darker emotions or circumstances. The lyrics metaphorically describe the feeling of losing control and being pulled under by life's challenges, akin to slipping into deep waters. The recurring imagery of darkness and depth symbolizes a struggle with internal turmoil and the difficulty in resisting negative forces that threaten to overpower one's sense of self. Ultimately, the song resonates as a poignant expression of vulnerability and the human experience of grappling with inner conflicts. #Ruelle #DeepEnd #MentalHealth #EmotionalStruggle

Where Is Her Head cover Where Is Her Head by The National

Exploring the depths of emotional turmoil, this track by The National delves into the struggle of grappling with a loved one's mental state and the impact it has on personal well-being. The repetitive questioning about her location and condition reflects a deep concern mixed with confusion and helplessness. As the lyrics oscillate between worry for her and introspective thoughts about hitting a wall, it suggests a narrative of trying to cope with someone else's mental struggles while dealing with personal distress. This poignant piece captures the heartache of love intertwined with emotional exhaustion. #MentalHealth #EmotionalStruggle

The Quiet Place cover The Quiet Place by In Flames

Exploring the depths of personal struggle and mental resilience, "The Quiet Place" by In Flames delves into the internal battles one faces when overcoming fears and self-doubt. The lyrics suggest a confrontation with inner demons and the effort to maintain control in one's mental space, likened to a king ruling over his own mind. The recurring theme of seeking a quiet place indicates a desire for peace and stability amidst chaos. This song resonates as an anthem for those fighting to preserve their mental health and assert autonomy over their thoughts and feelings. #MentalHealth #InnerStrength #InFlames

Big Smoke cover Big Smoke by Tash Sultana

Exploring the depths of personal struggle and recovery, Tash Sultana's lyrics in this song poignantly reflect on moments of existential crisis and the journey towards healing. The "big smoke" metaphorically represents overwhelming challenges or life-changing events that cloud one's vision and sense of self. Through vivid imagery, Sultana conveys a feeling of losing color in life, akin to depression or burnout, yet there remains a resilient desire to regain vibrancy and carry love back home. This track resonates as a powerful reminder of navigating through life's darker periods with hope and determination. #TashSultana #BigSmoke #MentalHealth #Resilience

Monster cover Monster by Meg & Dia

Delving into the depths of trauma and abuse, "Monster" by Meg & Dia paints a chilling picture of a victim's inner turmoil. The lyrics poetically narrate the struggle of a person grappling with feelings of entrapment and violation, symbolized through haunting imagery like "caged," "bruised," and nightmares that merge with reality. The repeated plea, "How should I feel?" echoes the confusion and search for identity amidst suffering, making this song a powerful exploration of psychological scars left by abuse. #MentalHealth #AbuseAwareness #HealingJourney

Rabbit Hole cover Rabbit Hole by blink-182

Exploring the complexities of mental health, this track voices the struggle of an individual trying to resist falling into a state of despair or depression, metaphorically referred to as a "rabbit hole". The lyrics reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by negative thoughts and being on the edge of losing control. The repeated line "with you again" suggests that this is a recurring battle, possibly with oneself or with a toxic relationship. It's an anthem for those fighting internal battles and striving to stay grounded in reality despite the pull of destructive tendencies. #MentalHealth #SelfStruggle #Resilience #InternalBattle

Saturn cover Saturn by SZA

In this celestial symphony, SZA explores the struggle of finding meaning in a world filled with pain and disillusionment. She yearns for an escape, symbolized by Saturn - a place where life's troubles seem insignificant. The recurring theme of intrusive thoughts indicates her internal battle with mental health, while questioning the concept of karma and goodness reflects her existential crisis. Yet, there's a glimmer of hope as she talks about 'finding something worth saving', suggesting resilience amid despair. Ultimately, "Saturn" is a profound exploration of human suffering and the relentless search for purpose and peace. #ExistentialCrisis #MentalHealth #QuestForPeace

Champion of Death cover Champion of Death by $uicideboy$

This track presents an unfiltered exploration of the artists' inner battles and their confrontational stance towards life. The lyrics depict a dark world where violence, struggle, and death are omnipresent realities. The recurring phrase "Chump change boy" could be interpreted as a metaphor for feeling undervalued or dismissed by society. Furthermore, the artists express a lack of concern for their own lives, hinting at feelings of depression and suicidal ideation. The song is filled with raw emotion and stark honesty about their mental health struggles, providing listeners with a glimpse into the harsh realities they grapple with daily. #MentalHealth #RawEmotion #Struggle #InnerBattles

Cradles cover Cradles by Sub Urban

This track delves into the complex realm of self-identity and societal expectations. The artist portrays a struggle between an imagined world, where he feels most comfortable, versus the harsh realities of life. He uses vivid imagery to depict his internal chaos, symbolized by fire spreading in a room. The lyrics suggest an inner battle with body image and self-perception, hinting at possible mental health issues. The song also critiques society's norms, suggesting that honesty can lead to pain and redemption is often masked by evil. Overall, it's an exploration of personal conflict and societal pressures, set against a backdrop of hauntingly beautiful music. #SelfIdentity #SocietalPressure #InnerConflict #MentalHealth

Goodbye cover Goodbye by Bo Burnham

This introspective piece delves into the artist's struggles with mental health, isolation, and the pressures of fame. Burnham grapples with his fading enthusiasm for performance and a growing desire for solitude, evident in lines like "I promise to never go outside again". He also questions his sanity, hinting at a possible existential crisis. The song is a poignant commentary on the toll that public scrutiny can take on an individual's mental well-being. It ends on a note of surrender and acceptance of his situation, symbolizing his retreat from public life. #MentalHealth #FamePressure

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That's all we got for #SelfReflection