Thoughts about songs with #InternalStruggle

Save Yourself cover Save Yourself by Breaking Benjamin

In this emotionally charged track, Breaking Benjamin explores themes of internal conflict and the struggle between light and dark within oneself. The lyrics suggest a battle with inner demons, where lies, venom, and betrayal have tainted perceptions and relationships. The repeated plea to "save yourself" serves as both a resignation and an urgent warning to escape the destructive cycles that bind the protagonist. The imagery of nightfall and sunrise symbolizes endings and new beginnings, reflecting the perpetual hope for renewal amidst despair. #BreakingBenjamin #InternalStruggle

Wet Sand cover Wet Sand by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This track is a profound introspection into the artist's struggles and experiences. The lyrics delve into themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of understanding. The singer expresses dissatisfaction with his shadow side and yearns for change, indicating an internal conflict. He also touches on his relationship with the world around him, suggesting a longing for connection and comprehension. The recurring "wet sand" metaphor could symbolize impermanence and changeability - things don't form in wet sand; they're washed away or altered by external forces. However, he states "I do," signifying his resilience and adaptability amidst life's constant changes. #SelfDiscovery #Resilience #InternalStruggle

Jekyll cover Jekyll by Hiatus Kaiyote

This song seems to be a poetic exploration of the dual nature of humans, referencing Robert Louis Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". The lyrics suggest an internal struggle between two sides of a personality - one side that is troubled (Mr. Hyde) and the other seeking peace and tranquility (Dr. Jekyll). The recurrent phrase "Lease this here now sweet piece of mind" reflects the singer's yearning for serenity amidst chaos. The line "We all are born to die" could signify the inevitability of life's cycle, reminding us that despite our internal battles, we're all heading towards the same end. #DualNature #InternalStruggle #SeekingPeace #InevitabilityOfLife

Phase cover Phase by Pinegrove

This track delves into the feeling of being torn between two states or emotions. The lyrics reveal a struggle with internal chaos, symbolized by the disarray in the singer's room and his inability to find resolution despite efforts to organize his life. The moon, stars, and colors serve as metaphors for shifting emotions and perceptions. The line "I wear my shadow like a uniform" suggests that the singer feels defined by his darker side or struggles. Overall, this song is about grappling with personal challenges and feeling divided within oneself. #InternalStruggle #PersonalChallenges #EmotionalConflict #SelfReflection

drugs cover drugs by EDEN

This emotive track delves into the artist's struggle with self-identity and addiction, painting a vivid picture of internal turmoil. The repeated phrase "I'm a fucking mess sometimes" underscores the artist's acknowledgment of his own flaws and destructive tendencies. He grapples with the dichotomy between being what others want him to be and who he truly is, revealing a deep-seated insecurity. The reference to 'drugs' could symbolize any form of addictive behavior that offers temporary escape but ultimately leads to more pain. The song serves as a poignant reminder that everyone battles their own demons, often hidden beneath the surface. #InternalStruggle #SelfIdentity

Into the Pit cover Into the Pit by DHeusta, Dawko

As we delve into the labyrinth of this haunting melody, we're drawn into a world where reality and fantasy blur. The song paints a picture of an individual grappling with internal demons, struggling to distinguish between their vivid imaginations and reality. It's a chilling exploration of the human psyche, as it battles fear and uncertainty. The 'pit' symbolizes the depth of one's mind or perhaps a situation that the person is trying to escape from. There's also an element of acceptance - acknowledging these fears and using them as stepping stones for personal growth and transformation. A poignant reminder that sometimes, our greatest battles are those within us. #InternalStruggle #FacingFears

Get Away cover Get Away by George Ezra

This song delves into the struggle of overcoming anxiety and the desire for escape. The protagonist dreams of a different, more exciting life, symbolized by images like running down a mountainside or leading a big brass band. However, he's constantly held back by his anxiety, which has never been as severe as it is now. The repeated line "You'd better get away" seems to be an urgent plea to himself to break free from this debilitating mental state and move forward. It's a powerful exploration of the internal battles many face and the longing for liberation. #MentalHealth #OvercomingAnxiety #DesireForEscape #InternalStruggle

Stop And Stare cover Stop And Stare by OneRepublic

This song delves into the internal struggle of feeling stuck and grappling with the fear of change. It reflects a sense of dissatisfaction with the current state of life, yearning for something better yet feeling immobilized by fear and uncertainty. The lyrics "I think I'm moving but I go nowhere" encapsulate this sense of stagnation. The singer speaks about confronting himself, highlighting the internal battle that often accompanies change. Ultimately, the song suggests that it's not about what's fair or easy, but about overcoming fears to pursue what one truly needs. #FearOfChange #InternalStruggle #PursuitOfHappiness

James cover James by Oscar and The Wolf

This composition delves into the complexities of a strained relationship, marked by emotional turmoil and a desire for detachment. The protagonist repeatedly expresses an unwillingness to rehash past memories with 'James,' signifying a strong urge to move on from the remnants of a broken relationship. Yet, there's an undertone of longing and ambiguity as he seeks transparency ('I wanna see through you') and desires to meet 'James' in an elevated state ('meet me when you're high'). This juxtaposition suggests an internal struggle between wanting to forget and desiring reconciliation. The song effectively portrays the dichotomy of human emotions experienced during heartbreak, making it relatable for many listeners. #Heartbreak #EmotionalConflict #DesireForClosure #InternalStruggle

Trust cover Trust by Jonas Brothers

This track paints a vivid picture of someone struggling with their self-control and identity when they're around a certain individual. The lyrics suggest a toxic relationship where the person is aware that their partner isn't good for them, yet they can't help but be drawn to them. It's a classic tale of the heart wanting what it can't have, even if it leads to self-destructive behavior. This song is a raw and honest portrayal of the internal battle one faces when love and logic collide. #ToxicLove #HeartVsMind #SelfDestruction #InternalStruggle

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That's all we got for #SelfReflection